This week has been hectic. I broke a vacuum cleaner, sprained a toe, and finally ate a falafel! There was a street fair nearby and I must say there were very tasty. Anyway, let’s get down to business. Today I want to talk about Dyson. I really like the brand. Everything they offer is well designed and has consistently performed extremely well. Every Dyson Upright Vacuum Cleaner comes with a standard set of features and I’ll cover them in this Guide to Dyson Vacuum Cleaners.
Stair Cleaning
Every Dyson upright vacuum cleaner is equipped with a 17 foot suction hose to clean stairways without having to lug a heavy vacuum cleaner up and down.
Hygienic Quick Empty
One of the main complaints about bagless vacuums is dust. Opening up a debris bin and flipping it over to empty creates lots of dust and can aggravate asthma and allergy sufferers. Dyson has developed a unique bottom open debris canister that eliminates this problem! Simply remove the debris bin, place over garbage can and pull the quick release trigger that opens your debris bin from the bottom, keep dust in the trash and out of your air.
Brush Control
Dyson vacuum cleaners are equipped with an on/off brush control switch the shuts off the rotating brush head. It might not seem like such a big deal but you’ll be able to reduce wear and tear on sensitive or vintage carpets. It’s also great if you have hard wood floors or tile, you won’t be throwing dirt and dust all over your kitchen!
Lifetime Filter
Dyson claims to have a lifetime filter, but I don’t believe that. In your Sensei’s opinion, nothing lasts forever. That said, it’s still one of the best vacuum filters on the market, and should last for many years.
HEPA Filter
Every Dyson upright vacuum cleaner is built with a HEPA filter. I’ve covered the benefits of HEPA filters before so I don’t feel I need to remind you that they’re great for people with dust allergies and remove particles greater than .3 microns from your air.
Asthma Approved
One of the standard features that really make Dyson vacuums stand out is an endorsement on their lineup from the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. In case you’re wondering what this means, here is a list of tests and standard the AAFA requires for a seal of approval:
1. Evaluation of airborne allergen levels during vacuuming
2. Evaluation of the integrity of the air filtration system
3. Assessment of the performance of the vacuum cleaner immediately prior to activation of bag replacement / receptacle emptying signal and filter change signal
4. Assessment of exposure to allergens during bag change or receptacle emptying
For more information on the AAFA and the ASP-VC-01: 07 Asthma friendly rating you can read the AAFA’s PFA describing this rating
Here and visit
the official AAFA site.
Airflow tools
With the exception of the Dyson Slim DC18 every Dyson upright vacuum cleaner comes with Airflow tools. If you’ve ever tried to clean curtains with conventional vacuum hand tools, you know how your curtains get stuck, dirty, and wrinkled. The Dyson has designed their hand or “Airflow” tools with openings on the side to allow air to continue flowing, preventing clogs.
Root Cyclone Technology
All Dyson vacuum cleaners except for the DC17 Animal are equipped with Dyson’s time tested Root Cyclone Technology. I really don’t think my readers care how it works, and if you do, visit
Dyson’s Official Site and learn all about the mechanics. There’s also a really good Wikipedia article, just do a search for Dyson. What I really think you care about is performance. Do Dyson vacuum cleaners really work? Yes, they do. Dyson is by far my favorite upright vacuum cleaner brand! Yes, they are expensive, but Dyson has a long track record of delivering quality, high end home vacuum cleaners that pick up an insane amount of dirt. If you’ve never used one on your carpet, there’s a good chance you’re going to be amazed with the amount of dust and debris pulled from your carpets!
5 Year Warranty
Finally, every single Dyson upright vacuum cleaner comes with a 5 year warranty. You won’t find anything close to a 5 year warranty for less than a few hundred bucks.
That’s it for my Guide to Dyson Upright Vacuum Cleaners. I’ll have detailed reviews of every Dyson Vacuum Cleaner and a price analysis up as soon as possible. Thanks for visiting.
The Vacuum Sensei