I just checked my email and found it stuffed with subject lines reading "Thank You Sensei". After reading through them and writing everyone back I've decided to put up one. Partly to boost my ego, but mostly to answer a question it seems I'll be getting regularly.
"Dear Wise Vacuum Sensei,
I had been looking for a low cost vacuum that wasn't going to break down after a couple months. I scrolled through your reviews and found the Hoover Tempo Widepath. It was cheap and powerful, just like you said. As one of your very satisfied students, I was wondering how I can pay homage to my Vacuum Sensei. Your student is very sorry for not buying through your Amazon links and would have if you had posted Sunday's post on Friday!"
Begging forgiveness,
April, your Sensei can't begin to describe how grateful he is for your email. As a matter of fact I'm posting it on my refrigerator door to point to when Ms. Sensei is frowning at and saying I should be "mowing the lawn" instead of taking care of my readers.
So, how can you help the Sensei? There's a lot of ways for you to help out the Sensei and all the other vacuum buyers who find themselves without teacher. MOST, I repeat, MOST of the ways you can help the Vacuum Sensei don't involve money. Here are the free ways you can help me spread the word and get more people started on the righteous vacuuming path:
1: Buying vacuums through my Amazon links.
Every time you click on one of my Amazon links I'll get credit for anything you purchase. Amazon will never charge you extra because you made your purchase by clicking one of my links.
2: Link Love
I'm extremely flattered when people think I deserve a mention and link on their personal blog, website, or message board they frequent. Anything you do to help get the word out about this Sensei is greatly appreciated! If you found my information helpful, useful, or well written, consider linking to me. I may have a banner or two in the future but for now you can copy and paste this code into your site:
The Vacuum Sensei
Vacuum Reviews
*Oh, and if you're as frustrated as I am with some of the poor quality vacuum review sites ranking high for keywords like "vacuum review" linking to me on your blog will go a long way in riding the net of these poorly constructed vacuum sites!
3: Subscribe to My Feed
You can subscribe to my feed and be updated automagically of Vacuum Sensei updates. I write a review or article almost every day.
4: Thank or Please Review Email
Reader response is one of my prime driving factors. It makes me feel good knowing I'm making a difference out there, even if it's a small one. Thank you emails are great and "Please Review" emails let me know my diligent efforts to gain your trust have paid off.
Feed URL
There's buttons on the left for Yahoo, Google, and Feedburner feed readers.
Not Free: Donate
If you found my vacuum advice extremely helpful you can buy me a beer for my trouble. A beer in my neck of the woods is about 3 bucks at happy hour including tip. I would consider us even if you bought me a beer. My preferred donation method is the Amazon Honors System. If works like a regular purchase, except you can get a refund for your donation if you decide I don't deserve it a few days later.
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