Vacuum Rating: 4.5 stars out of 5 for being one of the most powerful residential vacuum cleaners on the market.
Your Sensei has another great vacuum review for you today! Last Saturday I asked a Johnny if he was willing to come in to the shop Saturday morning and help me test vacuums. School work was light this weekend for him and he was glad to come along. We spent about 6 hours testing about 15 vacuum cleaners. That should be enough reviews to keep me writing till the end of October! On to the review!
Just before the Dominos delivery man dropped off our 3 for 5’s and Oreo pizza we tested out the Dyson DC07 Cyclone Animal Upright Vacuum. (Your Sensei just might write an Oreo Pizza review out of spite. One word sums up most of my sentiments “cardboard”.) One of my favorite features equipped on the DC07 and most other Dyson Vacuums is the “Hygienic Quick Empty” canister. This allows users to position the dust canister above a trash can and use a “quick release” button that pulls the bottom out of the canister, letting the dust free fall into your trash can.
If you’re a regular reader of this vacuum blog you’ll know I complain a lot about power cords. Most vacuum manufacturers make power cords too short for the average consumer. Dyson understands this and has included 37’ feet of power cord on the Dyson DC07 Animal Vacuum Cleaner. (Most mid range vacuum cleaners come with 17-22 feet of power cord.)
Another cool feature of the Dyson Animal is the self adjusting vacuum head. Anyone who has a couple different types of carpet knows how tedious adjusting those knobs can be. It’s even worse on older vacuums because they tend to stick or stop working after a year. Dyson really put themselves one step ahead with the automatic carpet height adjustment feature!
It’s time to get to the best reason why you should purchase the Dyson Animal DC07 Cyclone Upright Vacuum Cleaner; cleaning power. The Dyson Animal Upright Vacuum is one of the most powerful residential grade vacuum cleaners on the market. I’ve used Dyson Vacuum cleaners several times before in my shop and knew what to expect. A few swipes of the test carpet reinforced my belief that Dyson is one of the best vacuum cleaner brands on the market! They’re a little more expensive than the cheaper, less effective Hoover and Bissell models, but your carpets are going to sparkle after a couple uses. (I’m not badmouthing Hoover or Bissell, they’re great units for users on a budget, it’s like comparing a Lexus to a Honda.)
There was one thing I didn’t like and it’s not a design flaw or defect, it’s just a personal preference. Dyson designed the DC07 Animal Upright Vacuum with a “reversible wand”. The vacuum hose is built into the handle and if you like to be thorough and clean along the edges of your furniture this can get a little annoying. Every time I reached for the handle to push the vacuum to the next spot there was no handle to grab! Some people might not mind, I’m not one of them. I’m not going to mark the Dyson down for something this trivial, I just thought my readers should know about this feature before they bring it home.
Like most other Dyson Vacuum Cleaners, it’s a little heavy. Dyson claims there’s only 4 lbs. of pressure on your wrist, and that may be true, but the vacuum does weigh about 20 lbs. If you like the feel of heavy vacuum cleaners, like your Sensei does, this is a great vacuum, if you want something a little lighter and more maneuverable check out Oreck. They’re fairly powerful and much lighter than most Dyson Vacuums.
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